A Voice in the Wilderness

Books by Dr. Matt Rushford

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Filled with heart-wrenching drama, humor and adventure, Rainbow Sparkle Party is the story of a boy’s journey through leukemia as told from the perspective of his father. It is a story for parents, kids, and anyone who has been affected by cancer, but at its core, Rainbow Sparkle Party is a sports story, about a boy’s love of baseball and the power of love, in all forms, to transcend limitations and create miracles.


“De-Pathologizing the human body is a radical act of self-determinism. Dispelling mythologies about our bodies, which have falsely led us to believe we are weak, fragile, and perpetually in need of heroic interventions is a part of the larger process of empowerment and responsibility. This book is partly about the vestigial legends of the body and partly a celebration of the even greater truth…”

Dr. Matt Rushford is a pediatric and perinatal chiropractor, professor of Holistic Health in the department of Environmental and Health Sciences at Northern Vermont University, author, environmental activist, and speaker.